Project to improve the well-being of the vulnerable population

IPROSARUDE and AVEDEC have initiated a Project called Community Health in vulnerable people. This project was carried out for 28 Batwa households of the Murangara sub-hill, Butamuheba hill in the Mungwa zone of the Gitega Commune. This project aimed to promote behavior change in hygiene and sanitation for the Batwa community as well as access to basic health services and their empowerment. Achievements: The Construction of a Furnished Source (Rusengo) with a laundry tub, The Production of 28 San flat slabs for household latrines, The installation of 28 Kitchen Gardens or Kitchen Gardens, the digging of holes for the latrines in 28 households, installation of 28 compost pits, construction of an ecological ECOSAN Community latrine, distribution of the maintenance kit. These households benefited from the health insurance cards.