A cooperative with satisfactory results thanks to the Tubakarorero project

NIYONKURU Gertrude president of the HAGURUKA DUKORE cooperative of young volunteers and VSLA pillars in the commune of Makebuko in the province of Gitega, made up of 30 members  including 17 girls and 13 boys. Gertrude testifies that after receiving capacity-building from the Tubakarorero project on entrepreneurship, business plan writing, SSR/PF and other themes important to young people, seeing how tomato growers are experiencing great loss due to the lack of means to preserve tomatoes during the harvest season, and seeing how the Burundian government is no longer able to hire all the young people who finish their studies, they researched ideas cube and found the tomato processing and preservation project.  Gertrude testifies that to achieve their goal of job creation, they put a lot of effort into training others, saying that they have already trained 330 people, including 30 members of an association from the MWANZARI hill and 300 young police officers after their C.I at the Mwanzari Camp in the Makebuko commune, on tomato processing and preservation, with a shelf life of one year.They started the cooperative with an individual contribution of 5,000FBu and now have a capital of 100,000FBu and 14 rabbits.  In the future, the cooperative plans to set up a tomato processing center.  The commune administration appreciates the activities of this cooperative, as it has enhanced tomato cultivation through processing and conservation, saying that before the TUBAKARORERO project, people used to buy tomato sauce in other provinces or in the provincial capital, but now they eat tomato sauce produced in their commune.