Iprosarude is called upon to participate in the establishment of the pool of health experts in Burundi

This Friday, December 19, 2020, Iprosarude (Initiative for the Promotion of Rural Health and Development) participated in a workshop to set up a pool of experts in the field of health in Burundi. This workshop was organized by the Network of Youth Organizations in Action for Peace, Reconciliation and Development REJA in acronyms, as part of the project “Strengthening Burundian civil society organizations to increase their contribution to the governance process and socio-economic development”, in consortium with CARE International in Burundi and ActionAid Burundi, under funding from the Delegation of the European Union.

The objectives of this project are to contribute to the visibility and networking of Burundian civil society organizations; to facilitate the consolidation of relations between civil society organizations; to strengthen collaboration between civil society organizations and to share information and opportunities contributing to the growth of CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) of which Iprosarude is a part in the health and development sector.

 In addition to these objectives, Iprosarude will also strengthen institutional and technical capacities through the exchange of skills between CSOs, the consolidation of relations between CSOs, which will be anchored in collective approaches for capacity building (collective learning in the Hub, exchange of experience in the health sector), but also through its own mechanisms such as a virtual platform for exchange and coordination; but also the development of relationships between CSOs and power holders (authorities) concentrated mainly at the sector level, where the legitimacy of civil society demands to participate in decision-making processes is strongest because of the skills they bring.

 Indeed, the choice of Iprosarude to participate in this workshop was motivated by the experience of this organization in the health sector. With its 10 years of experience in rural health promotion, Iprosarude’s health experts have already conducted more than 10 research studies in this field, including the study of knowledge, attitudes and practices of cervical cancer in the health district of Gitega, studies of breastfeeding practices in malnutrition in children under 5 years old, impacts of anthropometric activities in the Imbo Plain, the frequency of precancerous lesions in women detected in the IPROSARUDE clinics of Gitega and Mwaro, baseline study of the project to improve the well-being of the Batwa community, study of cervical cancer death rates in the provinces of Gitega and Mwaro, study of youth knowledge on SRH, etc.

Undoubtedly, Iprosarude will be of great help in the establishment of the pool of health experts and thus contribute more to the well-being of the entire Burundian population. And by doing so, contribute to the achievement of sustainable development objectives.

                                                        E.Allickan Niragira