Iprosarude reminds: Don’t give up on COVID -19

For some time now, a virus has been circulating on planet earth: the coronavirus. It has already killed more than a million people worldwide. Some tips and preventive measures to protect yourself and others from this virus have been recommended. Once followed, they save lives. This is why Iprosarude (Initiative for the Promotion of Rural Health and Development) reminds us of the measures that have been taken to curb the spread of covid-19, including mass sensitization of communities and patients attending its polyclinics.

Since the appearance of the coronavirus, public health experts have been giving a lot of advice to try to stop the spread of the virus. Dr. Jean Pierre, Executive Director of Iprosarude, reminds us to wash our hands often with clean water and soap, or use a hydroalcoholic solution, to respect social distancing, not to touch our eyes, nose or mouth when we cough or sneeze, and to cover our mouth and nose with the fold of the elbow or with a handkerchief.

Again, if the person presents symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat …, they should go to the nearest health facility.

Washing your hands regularly: it’s not a big deal

 Among the measures recommended to curb the pandemic is frequent hand washing with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or clean water and soap. This kills the virus if it is present on the hands, as hands often tend to be worn on the face. Some “germs” (a generic term for microbes such as viruses and bacteria) can easily be spread by touching another person. Hands are in contact with many surfaces that may be contaminated with the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you may come into contact with the virus on these surfaces. For this reason, hands should be washed several times a day with clean water and soap for at least 30 seconds.

For this reason, Iprosarude has set up handwashing facilities at the entrances to its polyclinics. It has also designated a person to supervise handwashing and ensure that no one enters without properly washing their hands with soap.

“As the virus is still circulating, it is not time to let down the guard, although the situation seems to be under control in Burundi. Dr. Pierre adds.

Avoiding close contact saves lives

According to WHO information, Covid-19 is spread mainly through respiratory droplets expelled by people with cough or other symptoms such as fever or fatigue. When a person infected with a respiratory virus such as COVID-19 coughs or sneezes, he or she expels small droplets containing the virus. If you are too close, you can inhale the virus.

This is why Iprosarude keeps repeating this on community radio stations and recommends keeping at least 1 meter distance from other people, especially if they cough, sneeze or have a fever. Also, many people with Covid-19 have only mild symptoms. This is especially true in the early stage of the disease. It is therefore possible to contract COVID-19 through contact with a person who, for example, has only a mild cough, but does not feel sick.

Cover your mouth and nose with the crease of your elbow or with a handkerchief if you cough or sneeze, and throw the handkerchief away immediately afterwards in closed garbage can. Covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze helps prevent the spread of viruses and other pathogens.

In the next article, Iprosarude’s health experts will remind you when and why to wear a mask.