Tubakarorero Project: Demystifying entrepreneurship among youth in Burundi

The multiplication of exchanges of all kinds, the globalization of the economy and the virtual proximity of markets are only a few of the realities that deeply mark today’s world. In this context of major transformations, individuals are called upon, more than ever, to play an active role within their community or the organizations to which they belong. To facilitate their adaptation to this changing world, several humanitarian organizations, such as Care International and its local implementing organizations in Burundi, have chosen to sensitize young people to entrepreneurship through the Tubakarorero project, financed by the Dutch Embassy in Burundi. It is implemented by the association Iprosarude under the direction of Care International in Burundi in the provinces of Gitega, Kayanza and Bubanza. 

For Mr. Jean Rumbira, Tubakarorero project manager at Iprosarude, it is important that young people develop the spirit of entrepreneurship, that is to say a mentality that leads to take initiatives, to take up challenges and to become an actor of his own future. The Tubakarorero project was designed to prepare young people in this sense.

Bringing young people to develop an entrepreneurial spirit also means encouraging them to develop an entrepreneurial culture, i.e. the will to commit fully to what they want to do and to complete what they undertake. This culture is built, like the entrepreneurial spirit, through entrepreneurial experiences, mainly in the form of projects, but which can also take the form of visits to various organizations or meetings with people from the entrepreneurial world who demonstrate creativity in their way of thinking and acting. Such experiences also foster the development of entrepreneurial qualities and the ability to use strategies and resources that are beneficial not only to entrepreneurs but to all citizens.

In Iprosarude’s intervention areas, within the youth centers and CLACs, youth are educated through testimonies of other youth who have advanced in entrepreneurship. The sharing of challenges and lessons learned helps other young people cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit. They acquire new knowledge by watching multiple videos from the IDEAS CUBE tool that are shown in youth centers and CLACs as well as in communities thanks to the youth volunteers set up under the Tubakarorero project.

The young beneficiaries of the Tubakarorero project are ecstatic.

“For me, entrepreneurship is about action.  I understood from several videos and awareness sessions that it is different from the entrepreneurial spirit in that it is not necessarily associated with the creation of a company or the search for profits. To develop such a spirit is to invite us to innovate, to put our ideas into practice, to broaden our scope of action and to get involved in the community. I am no longer afraid to undertake and very soon I will have an idea of what I will do. exclaims Mr. Méthode, a young man from Kayanza province, Rango commune, at Gipfuvya hill.

The Tubakarorero project helps young people to demystify entrepreneurship and to get rid of the stereotypes and prejudices that are often attached to it. The project also promotes reproductive health.

                                                                                           E.Allickan Niragira