Nkuriza project: More than 184 mom light and 461 community relays trained in Bubanza province

As part of the Nkuriza project, the ACORD-IPROSARUDE consortium organized training for 184 mamans lumières and 461 community relays in 33 health centers from May 23 to 25, 2023. The aim of the training was to set up Foyers d’Apprentissage et de Réhabilitation Nutritionnelle (Learning and Nutritional Rehabilitation Centers) to combat malnutrition in the province of Bubanza, one of the group’s areas of intervention on behalf of the Nkuriza project.

The first phase of this training program began in Bubanza, at 33 health centers (CDS). In these localities, 645 people were trained in the various techniques for screening and treating malnourished children in the hills. They include Mom light and community relays. According to Dr Joseph Bigirimana, Legal Representative of IPROSARUDE, the ACORD-IPROSARUDE consortium aims to help set up Foyers d’apprentissage et de réhabilitation nutritionnelle (Farns) to combat malnutrition in the province.

In addition, he informs that after this training workshop, the beneficiaries will be provided with materials and inputs to set up these Foyers. For the trainer, the Farn has many advantages. “The Farn, which is managed and evaluated by the community, enables rapid and sustainable progress not only in rehabilitation but also in the prevention of malnutrition”, he emphasized.

At the end of the training session in Bubanza, some beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction. “We learned how to detect malnourished children and take care of them. This knowledge will enable us to respond to this disease in our communities”, emphasized Mom light  Godelieve Niyonkuru, from colline Kirenge, zone Muzinda, commune Rugazi. Others, however, expressed their expectations of the project. “We want the support of the ACORD-IPROSARUDE group in this Nkuriza project to be sustainable, and we are also asking for its support in other areas that are very crucial to the survival of our community”, added Sylvane Ntibagirirwa, colline Kibuye, zone Ruce, commune Rugazi.

The group intends to train others in the Cibitoke province to deal with malnutrition and promote family planning.

As part of the Nkuriza project, the ACORD-IPROSARUDE group’s mission is to implement integrated community-based nutrition and family planning interventions. It is a project relating to Early Childhood and Demographic Control, financed by the International Development Association in partnership with the Ministry of Health and AIDS Control.

                                                                                                       E.Allickan Niragira